Why Is It Crucial To Have Pressure Vessel Registration in NSW?

July 16, 2019 Engineering Design Services 0 Comments

A pressure vessel is a container or vessel that holds gas or liquid. These vessels are subjected to pressure (internal or external). The interconnected parts and components like valves, gauges and other fittings of pipework come under the vessel. The government has made it mandatory for pressure vessel registration in NSW, for all companies who have them on their premises.

The structural design consultants suggest that every pressure vessel has to be protected by a relief device that prevents the pressure in the vessel to rise above 110% of the vessel’s design pressure. The relief devices must be inspected and recalibrated, at least once in five years.

Every pressure vessel is given a hazard level, ranging from hazard level A (being most hazardous) to Hazard level E (being the least). AS4343-pressure equipment is used for measuring the hazard levels.

The different factors that influence ‘pressure level hazard’ level include:
  • Design pressure
  • Volume
  • Contents
  • Location
  • Fluid temperature
Most states have made it mandatory for registering the design of the pressure vessel. The design registration should be done in the country itself, outside registration is considered as invalid.

If the pressure equipment comes under hazard level A, B or C, they must be individually registered with states regulatory authority mainly to assure the government that the plant is safe in all aspects for the employees and people living around the plant. The registration should be done annually by the state’s regulatory agency.

Vessel owners must ensure that pressure equipment is correctly registered with relevant state authorities and should e ready to pay fines if it is non-compliance. The owners should inform the regulatory authority if the equipment is relocated or decommissioned.

It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that all the equipment are certified as ‘safe to operate’ and registered with the appropriate regulatory authority in the state.