Why Correct Pressure Vessel Registration is Crucial for a Company?

March 26, 2019 Engineering Design Services 0 Comments

A container that holds either gas or liquid and is subjected to pressure is known as a pressure vessel. The pressure can be internal or external. This vessel includes parts like valves, gauges and other fittings that are interconnected through a network of pipes. The government has made it mandatory for pressure vessel registrations, as improper management can pose health hazards for the employees working at that unit.

Design code AS1210 requires pressure vessels to be protected by a device that prevents the vessel pressure from rising above 110% of vessel design pressure. The pressure relief device is generally examined once a year with the help of finite element analysis and recalibrated at the same time.

Pressure levels are classified into different levels ranging from health hazard level A to health hazard level E. Level A is considered to be most threatening while Level E is least threatening. Different types of equipment and criteria are used to determine the hazard levels.

Most states require pressure vessels to be design-registered with hazard levels by authorities like Work Safe WA, NSW Work Cover etc. Though the laws differ from one state to other, registration is a must for all states. Operation of pressure equipment without proper registration is regarded as an offense and you should pay penalty if caught by authorities.

The manufacturer or an importer of pressure equipment should also provide current design registration to their customers while selling the equipment. Regulatory authorities’ registration number is only accepted. If your container comes in level E, it is not mandatory for registration, but if it comes under any of the other levels, it is must to register them.

All pressure equipment falling in levels A, B or C, must be individually registered with the states regulatory authority with responsibility for plant safety. Renewal of such registration is done annually but can differ from state to state.

It is the responsibility of the vessel owner for correct registration with the authorities to avoid penalties.